How we charge.

We strive to provide fair and competitive pricing while delivering high-quality workmanship and service to all of our customers.

Quotes and Estimates.

We offer estimates or quotes for projects based on an assessment of the scope of work, allowing you to make informed decisions about your electrical needs.

Hourly Rates:

Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm

First Hour £85 – This covers the initial call out, travel to the site, and the first hour of work, we then charge £30 for each additional 30 minutes on site.

Half Day Rate

If the work exceeds 3 hours, we may then charge our half day rate of £200 plus materials.

Day Rate

Our standard day rate is £400 per day plus materials.

Out of Hours.

Out of hours rates – £120 per hour – The emergency hourly labour charge will apply whenever a quick response is required outside of our working hours, unless agreed in advance. (Material costs are not included in this price.)


If travel to the site exceeds an hour then a travel to site charge will incur, travel to and from suppliers for parts will be included in the hourly rate.